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Where Does Soul Go After Death

by Ashok Raina
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Human Soul

Dear friends today I am again with you on a very burning topic ‘Where does the soul go after death.’ Dear friends, till today we aren’t able to get an exact answer to this question. Some mythological books say that when one person dies, The Soul comes out of the body. One belief says that immediately after the death of any person, the soul enters the other body. Hindu mythological books say that before entering again into a new human body, the soul enters 33 crore different bodies such as horses, ants, rabbits, etc. It means that to attain a human body again the soul has to travel a long route passing through different lives other than human beings. It is also believed that the fate of living beings depends upon Karma(The good or bad things done by them during their whole life.

Theory Of Some Mythological books

Heaven photo.

Some mythological books say that the soul of the dead person is either sent to Swarga (heaven) or Nark(Hell), depending upon the deeds of the person. According to them the soul stays, relaxes, enjoys, and waits for another body. In Swarga, the soul enjoys all the good facilities whereas in Nark the soul has to pass through a very tough time. In Nark the soul is very badly tortured. It is also believed that if a person had lived his life without greed, with honesty, and had done good and kind deeds for others, the Soul attains the supreme stage called  Moksha(A stage when Soul directly merges into the almighty God. The Soul then becomes free from the cycle of rebirth. This stage is considered to be the supreme stage. Only a few people can attain that stage. 

A Surprising Incident

A person on pyre.

I want to share an incident with you. One person in India was declared dead by the doctors. The family of the dead person took the body for performing his last rites. They put the body on a pyre. When they were about to burn the body, the body became alive after eight hours of being declared dead. It was an astonishing incident. The dead person was asked about it and the answer was astonishing too. He said that Yama came and took him to a new world and further said that he followed a streak of light to reach the new world. He also came to know there that he was mistakenly brought to this world.

What Happened Next

His soul was safely placed into his body on the pyre. In the meantime, another person of the same name was heard to have died in the same locality. This means that Yama had come to take the soul of that person and by mistake, he took the soul of the person having the same name. Think about it as I am thinking. Hope this fact of mine would gain your knowledge. I would continue to write such educational facts in the future also.


Beliefs Of Different Religions

A Pyramid.

Different religions have different beliefs on this topic. The Egyptians also believed in life after death. That is why they preserved the dead bodies of their Kings. Every day thousands of people die due to different reasons. Their soul is passed on to either hell or heaven. Although they may never remember their names still the reality of death takes place every day. Believers believe that the moment at which our soul deserts our body, it temporarily departs our body and waits for its resurrection. Those who have their belief in Christianity believe that the soul is taken away by angels into the presence of God. The soul departs our body and remains with the Lord.


It is the biggest fact that humans are worried about their death. It is a question that has been haunting them for a long time. They haven’t been able to get the correct answer. This question is becoming more and more important with time. The question is when the soul knows that it has to leave the body. After the death of a person, according to his/her religion, the last rites are performed. Some scientists say that when the heart stops working, the person is dead. The fact remains that the working of the heart is a reversible process. When our brain stops working, which is irreversible, means the person is dead. The exact answer is nowhere. 


Some people say that soul departs even before the death of the person, whereas some believe that soul departs after the death of the person. Some believe that loss of consciousness is a sign of death. We are unconscious even when we are sleeping. It doesn’t mean that we are going to die. Again no clear answer is there.


A soul.

The soul is believed to be the substantial form of the body, that is why when it leaves our body we are unable to perform our day-to-day activities. We can’t move even an inch in the absence of a soul inside our body. The point at which the soul leaves the body is referred to as somatic death in medical science. According to medical science when somebody’s organ stops working, is the stage at which the soul leaves our body. It is the fact known to us. Because of the failure of any organ, the whole organ system stops working and the body collapses. An astonishing fact is that Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkav photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bio electrographic camera.

An Astonishing Fact

Soul in the form of light.

A bright ray of light along with some gases can be seen when the life force of that person is leaving the body. According to him, the soul leaves the body, moments before the actual death when the body is in the greatest pain. According to him, the soul travels through a black tunnel but is a Spiritual passage towards a golden-white light. This light is the same as a dot and starts expanding as the soul gets closer to it. The soul feels that it is being pulled into the bright whiteness. Some of the souls deny entering the bright light.


There may be many reasons for not entering the bright light for example the people who have been murdered, people who had met with an accident, or any type of unnatural death. According to spiritual and energy healer Alex Telman, some souls do not enter that bright light because of fear, anger, confusion or due unresolved major issues, or some incomplete and important works left on earth. Such souls may remain on earth till the completion of their pending work.

Souls Are Not Bothered About Their Bodies

Souls are least bothered about their bodies but they do desire to mentally reach out to their loved ones and want to comfort them before moving to light. After the completion of their work soul reaches a stage where there are no worries. The power of love, understanding, security, and harmony develops in the soul. It is free from any fear at that moment. Highly developed souls move through this stage very easily and rapidly whereas young souls find it a bit difficult to pass through this stage. They may take more time to understand their nonphysical state.


Some believers believe that soul is accompanied by dharma and karma. Karma means the deeds good or bad the person performed when he/she used to be alive. According to such belief, the rebirth of any soul is decided by its karma. According to this belief, the person whose karma was not good during life is given a new life as an animal or a bird, or an insect. A person whose karma was good is again given a new human body.

What Hindu Mythology Says

According to Hindu mythology, a new seed is discharged from heaven or hell into the womb of the mother. At the time of falling of the seed from heaven or hell, a portion of the jiva grows in the pregnant womb, using blood. The mother can feed the jiva or soul utilizing blood. Jiva starts growing there and after nine months new clothes are worn by the soul. It means that the soul finds a new body and can grow individually.

Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected for the next article. Till then Bye!

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