Home Covid-19 The New Covid-19 And Some Facts Related To It, Its Cure At Home

The New Covid-19 And Some Facts Related To It, Its Cure At Home

by Ashok Raina
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Dear friends, I am once again in your esteemed company to express my views. Friends these are the testing days for the whole of the world as we are going through one of the most disastrous times. I mean to say COVID-19 Pandemic days. Friends I would like to share my views which I have collected from the results of surveys done by various countries on this virus. The biggest fact, these days is that everyone who even suffers from common flu rushes to the hospital doubting that he/she is suffering from COVID-19.

Importance Of Awareness

So it becomes very important for all of us to know about the symptoms of this disease first of all. These symptoms are broadcasted to every person these days. I am going to tell you how can we prevent ourselves from this virus, and how can we cure ourselves of this virus while sitting in the comfort of our homes. If somebody is having a running nose, cough and fever doesn’t mean that the said person is suffering from the COVID-19 virus.


Symptoms of Covid 19.
  • 1. Dry cough.
  • 2. High/mild fever.
  • 3. Difficulty in breathing.
  • 4. Loss of appetite.
  • 5. Whole-body aches.
  • 6. Loss of sensation of smell and taste.
  • 7. Loose motion in some cases.


Prevention measures.

1. Avoid crowded places.

2. Wear a face mask and cover your eyes also.


3. At least maintain a distance of 10-12 feet from another person. New research done by W.H.O suggests that the finer droplets known to be aerosols have the capability of covering distances up to 12 feet. So it becomes very important to cover our mouth, nose, and eyes with a mask or a handkerchief.

4. Don’t touch your face, mouth, and nose with your hands.

5. Wash your hands frequently with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer at least for 20 seconds.

These facts are known to every one of us these days. Now I am going to tell the facts which we all are not aware of.


Man testing his oxygen saturation level.

Purchase a device named an oximeter, which is easily available from any medical store and is not very costly too. Anybody can use it. Just press the backside of it and place your index finger inside the device. You will be able to read the quantity of oxygen in your blood/body. It should be between 93-and 100 on the display screen of the device. If it is less than the prescribed no. you are then prescribed to do some exercises related to yoga and take some medicines also.


1. Zinc tablets.

2. Vitamin-B tablets.

3. Vitamin-C tablets. These tablets will help in increasing your immunity and will produce antioxidants in your body which will help in fighting against COVID-19.

4. In case of a high fever, Paracetamol can be taken. As we all know that there is no proper treatment for this disease so-for and in most countries, no beds are available for new patients and it is very risky too, to get admitted to the hospital. Several countries can be seen these days claiming that the vaccine has been discovered but the truth is miles away till now.


Asana for Covid 19 patients.

1. Don’t panic, sit calm and relaxed. Gently inhale and exhale to the fullest extent you can. This virus mostly affects our alveoli, the bag-like structures present inside our lungs, and is responsible for the exchange of gases. Most of the alveoli are present near the backside just opposite our chest. A person suffering from C-19 finds it difficult to sleep upright so it is suggested that the said person should place a pillow under his/her front part of the chest and then lie down.

2. Suffering person should gargle twice or thrice a day with hot water added with a pinch of turmeric powder and black salt. 

3. Suffering people should always drink hot water. Never use cold water. It can prove to be dangerous.

4. Exhale and inhale using hot water steam twice or thrice a day.

5. Take a big balloon and inflate it 4-5 times a day. It will increase the quantity of oxygen in the said person’s blood. As we all know that this virus is changing its behavior day by day. Whatsoever behavioral changes the virus is making can be cured by using the above-said remedies. You will find a big difference within 3-4 days if the above said remedies are adapted regularly. I hope this blog of mine will help several people in many ways. Stay safe, Stay healthy.

A New Variant

Omicron varient.

A new variant has been found in South Africa which is believed to be 32 times stronger than the previous one. So it becomes our duty to follow the orders of our respective Governments so that all of us can keep a check on this virus. It becomes our responsibility to obey all the SOP of the government and behave as responsible citizens of our country. We shouldn’t allow this variant to flourish as the previous one flourished. W.H.O has warned every country to take necessary preventive steps so that this variant may not spread to other countries. Hope every one of us will co-operate and will try to maintain a distance from others.


Presently by having a look at the mutations, it seems that there will be no end to this virus in near future. We have to make ourselves used to it, as the world might be witnessing many more mutations of this virus.

Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you all.

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