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Some Bitter Truths of Life

by Ashok Raina
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Man sitting on stone in mountains

We often say that life is very short. It’s not true. The fact is that we start understanding life very late. If we become aware of it in the early stage and accept it in what so ever situation we are in, it will become easy for us to live it happily. Today I am going to share some of the bitter truths of life. Read it with patience and try to find it a reality in your lives also.


A beautiful lady.

It’s always said that good things happen to good people, which according to me is wrong. Good things happen to good-looking people. These are the people who are followed by many others, listened to, and even appreciated. So, our looks are very important in our life. I will try to explain the fact with the help of an example. Suppose two candidates are shortlisted for an interview. One of them is good-looking and has a pleasing personality whereas the other one is not so good-looking. Both of them have the same educational qualification and work experience. Both of them are intelligent too. One of them was selected for the job after the interview. Guess which candidate would have been selected. The candidate with good looks was selected. This is the bitter truth that our looks are preferred everywhere.


Let’s try to understand it with the help of another example. Suppose, two girls are selected by the family of a boy to get him married to any one of them. Imagine both of them are intelligent and multi-talented. Suppose both of them have good job profiles. Here again, the girl with good looks will be preferred by the boy and his family also. This fact sounds bitter, but the truth remains true. We have to accept it.


Lady betraying her lover.

We always think that whom so ever we love a lot and take care of, can’t hurt us. The bitter truth is that we only are betrayed and hurt by our loved ones always. Outsiders have the least role to play in this case. The fact is that we don’t feel hurt when outsiders hurt us. The main culprits are the ones, whom we love and take care of. The fact behind it is that our expectations are increased in case of our nears and dears. When these expectations are not fulfilled, we feel hurt. We mostly open up in front of our loved ones and when they start behaving otherwise, we start feeling dejected, as we don’t expect such behavior from them. This is another bitter truth. So, be prepared to face such a situation, otherwise, you can suffer from mental stress.



A Selfish Person.

If I ask you,” Are you selfish?” You will give a negative answer. If I ask about your point of view on others. You will start telling the names of many of your friends and relatives, who according to you are selfish. Nobody accepts that he/she is selfish. The bitter truth is that every one of us is selfish in one way or the other. I have no right to call others selfish because I pray to God only when I am in need. It means that I too am selfish.

We Even Pray To God When We Need Something

A person praying to God.

Most of us pray before God only when we are in a problem. The fact remains that all of us are selfish. The only difference is that some of us are less selfish and some are more selfish. Please try to bear the bitter truth. Again, I will try to explain it with the help of an example. Suppose a child wants to study abroad to attain a better education. The parents are not willing to send their children abroad. They say that they can’t live without him. This shows the selfish nature of parents here. Their love for their child has made them selfish. The Sooner we accept the fact, the better it would be.


Thomas Edison and his advice.

We always try to blame others for our failures. Usually, we say, if this/that wouldn’t have happened, we would have done it. We continue to blame the circumstances and others. The biggest truth is that we are our biggest enemy. We don’t want to work hard. We never try to come out of our comfort zone. I just talked about our biggest enemies, these are anger, greed, affection, and pride. All of them are responsible for our downfall. A person who becomes aware of these facts may become a good human being. So, the bitter truth is that these enemies don’t allow us to admit our failures and learn from them. We also don’t like criticism in our lives. It is a well-known fact that critics help a person in attaining heights in his/her life.


Intention of changing the society.

Every one of us wants that society should change. The bitter truth is that we do nothing to change it. We always expect everything to be done by others and always expect others to start it whereas we remain dormant. We don’t want to change anything in ourselves but want society to change. The fact is that we don’t understand our responsibilities and duties. No doubt, you can’t trust anybody these days but who is stopping you to be a good person?

We Need To Change Ourselves

We only think that these days people are not good, society is not going to change by behaving in this or that way. Someone has to start. Why not you? We read different books for gaining knowledge. We, no doubt gain it but never implement it in our lives. Until and unless not implemented, how things are going to change in us and hence in our society. Suppose someone is suffering from stomach pain. Medicine and water are lying in front of that person. The said person has to take that medicine to get relief from pain. Until and unless the medicine is not taken, nothing is going to change. So, the bitter truth is that without implementing certain rules, society is never going to change itself.


Never ending desires.

Mostly we wish that I can own a bicycle in my life. If this wish of ours is fulfilled, we then start wishing for a bike. After getting it we start wishing for a car. It means that our wishes never end. We compare ourselves with the people of higher status and never even dare to think that there are crores of people who are living a below-average life. We should feel satisfied with what God has given us.


Cursing our fate.

We always complain to God that why bad things are happening to us. The bitter truth is that all the people living on earth have one or another problem. Nobody is living a comfortable life. Problems are the part and parcel of our lives. One thing is certain in everybody’s life, and that is change. If someone is having a happy life, means that he is going to suffer from pain in the future and if somebody is suffering from pain presently means that he is going to have a good time in the future. So, stop repenting. Be happy and cheerful in every situation of life. That’s actually, what life is.

Hope you will enjoy reading the article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye!. God bless you all.

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