Solo Trip: Important Tips, Positive, Negative Aspects, And Benefits.

A back view of a woman walking solo in a forest.

 Word traveling is fun in itself. It rejuvenates us with positivity. Everyone wants to travel and visit his/her favorite spots for fun and pleasure. In fact, you must have traveled many times along with your friends and families and must have enjoyed during these trips. These days a new type of traveling is on the boom and is known by the name SOLO TRAVELING. In this type of traveling you have to travel alone without your family or any companion.

It seems to be a daunting task to think and plan about SOLO TRAVEL. Many negative questions may arise in your mind such as:

1. Is it safe to travel alone at night?

2. Where will I sleep?

3. Who will manage food for me?

4. What if my bike/car gets punctured at an isolated place?

5. What if my car gets stuck in a ditch?

6. What if it rains heavily?

7. What if I get standard at one place due to a landslide?

and many more such questions may arise in anybody’s mind before going out on a solo trip. Keep these fears at bay and read the complete article to know about the benefits of going out on a solo trip. I am sure you are going to learn a lot. What you are going to gain and what you have to do while going on solo travel is explained in simple and clear words here. One thing is clear you have to leave your comfort zone. Things will always not go your way. So, be prepared.

Important Tips For Solo Travellers

1. Do your homework.

2. Be aware of your strengths.

3. Night stay planning.

4. Coping up with embracement.

5. Learn some words of the local language.

6. Be photographic.

7. Be safe and secure.

8. Availability of finance.

9. Trip planning.

10. Confidence.

11. Friendship.

12. Blend in the crowd.

13. Carry proper identification documents.

14. Don’t stay in a fixed place.

15. Just relax on your first and the last day of the trip.

16. Always carry some cash.

17. Don’t over-intoxicate yourself.

18. Don’t carry valuables.

19. Don’t make a packed schedule.

20. Keep an alternative plan ready.

1. Do Your Home Work

Take some time to decide what you want from your trip and where you can get it. Homework plays an important role in many ways like the activities you like to perform, mode of transportation, routes, and expenses. Try to plan it in a sequential manner. It will make your journey enjoyable and comfortable. It needs experience and a sharp brain to make an accurate plan. You can take the help of an experienced person if you are finding it difficult to plan.

2. Be Aware Of Your Strengths

Before going out on a solo trip, it is very important for you to know about your personal strengths. What type of person you are? Are you comfortable with strangers or do you hesitate while interacting with strangers? Which languages do you know and most importantly, the place which you have planned to visit, which language is spoken there?

3. Night Stays

Hostels are ready for solo travelers. Always try to spend more time with locals. Not only hostels but so many other options are available for you as a solo traveler. You can also live in a rented place and can take guidance from the house owner for your trip. If he is not cooperative then you can go out and ask other local people.

4. Coping Up With Embracement

If you are habitual of living with a family and are going out on a solo trip. You will find yourself embarrassed because of being alone. Being alone is a daunting task, but be cool and composed. Soon you will become habitual and will start loving your own company. If you are social in nature then you can try making new friends.

5. Learn Some Words Of The Local Language

Wheresoever you are on your trip, try to learn some words such as thank you, welcome, how are you, etc, in the local language of that area. Also, save emergency numbers related to that area. It will give you the confidence to deal with unfavorable situations.

6. Be A Photographer

Taking photographs is a good habit especially when you are on a solo trip. Your friends back home will appreciate your work and achievement. In fact, even after many years, you can remember the time and your achievements in the past.

7. Be Safe And Secure

Always take care of your wallet and belongings in large cities. Be aware of scammers and keep a close eye on your valuables. You can lose them in case of negligence. Try to roam in a safe and secure place.

8. Availability Of Money

You should plan expenses according to your trip. Always keep surplus money or a source from which you can get instant money. You can use your debit card, Paytm, or any other source. In such visits, you really don’t know about the exact expenses. So, be prepared for that. Shortage of money can cause problems during your journey.

9. Confidence

Be confident and have self-belief. It can be gained by equipping yourself with safety measures, adapting cultural norms of the place you are visiting, and the language that is spoken in that part. Knowledge of these things will fill you with confidence.

10. Friendship

Try to make new local friends as they can prove to be very helpful in your journey. Solo travel will naturally place you in social situations and allow you to meet new people and learn about their art, customs, traditions, and cultures. Try to adjust yourself according to their needs.

11. Blend In The Crowd

The best way of avoiding the attention of crooks is by blending in with the locals. Try to behave like a local. You have to adapt to the customs and traditions of the area. You shouldn’t look like a tourist. Try to dress up like locals.

12. Carry Proper Identification Documents

Don’t forget to carry your identification documents with you along with sufficient money or a source of money. You can carry a regular anti-theft bag to safeguard your money. Don’t put your hands into your pocket again and again to remove money. It would certainly attract the attention of thieves. Use a money belt to store your identity documents.

13. Don’t Stay At A Fixed Point

I mean to say don’t stay always at hostels. You are a solo traveler that doesn’t mean that you always have to stay in hostels. You can also stay in a quality hotel one night and opt for a hostel the second night. Don’t just pick one type of accommodation.

14. Just Relax On Your First And The Last Day Of Trip

On the first day, you are anxious that you are alone in a new place. Some fears are there in the back of your mind and on the last day you are sad because you are about to leave the city. Sentiments and emotions would be at their peak and will make it difficult for you to leave the city.

Don’t waste your money on the very first day as it is just the beginning of your tour. You may fall short of money. In the same way, don’t waste your energy on the last day. Just relax and try to memorize all the good moments of your trip.

15. Always Carry Some Cash

Many places, especially tourist spots don’t accept cards and demand cash. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you have to run for cash and get standard because of the unavailability of cash.

16. Don’t Over-Intoxicate Yourself

It is best for you not to over-intoxicate. It will be a humiliating and troublesome situation if you wake up without your wallet and essentials. Enjoy the moment but not to the extent that you are befooled or looted.

17. Don’t Carry Valuables

Don’t carry valuables with you while on a solo trip. Carry only the required things like ID Proof, cash, debit card, and gadgets. Certainly, you wouldn’t want to attract the attention of robbers as a solo traveler.

18. Don’t Make A Packed Schedule

You need not follow the books and cover all the tourist places. Try to plan a balanced trip where you have sufficient time to enjoy and take rest. Don’t make it a packed trip as it will put you under stress and you won’t be able to enjoy it.

19. Keep An Alternative Plan Ready

In case of failure of your first plan, plan B should be ready. Nothing will go exactly according to your plan. Having an alternative plan will encourage you and will help you to enjoy yourself to the fullest extent. If by chance your plan A fails immediately shift on to plan B.

Positive Aspects Of Solo Travel

1. Planning experience.

2. Interaction with different people.

3. You leave your comfort zone.

4. Improves language skills.

5. Increase your confidence.

6. Cost-efficient.

7. Increases level of happiness.

8. Help in discovering yourself.

9. Learning process becomes faster.

10. Sense of empowerment.

1. Planning Experience

Planning a solo trip imparts you the experience of planning. You become a good planner if you are used to going on such trips frequently. As a solo traveler, you are free to plan each day according to your wish. You plan according to your taste, and as a result, you become a trained planner.

2. Interaction With Different People

When you travel with a group there is less possibility to wander away from your group but traveling alone gives you a wonderful experience. You meet different people and are most likely to chat with local people. There is a great possibility of making new friends and being social.

3. You Leave Your Comfort Zone

Solo Travel makes you leave your comfort zone. Going for a trip alone means you have to get out of the worse situation yourself, which can help you in gaining abilities like; problem-solving, dealing with pressure, and developing self-belief. Leaving the comfort zone means that you have to face the challenges yourself.

4. Improves Language Skills

While on a solo trip you meet different people who speak different languages, and as a result, you are able to develop your language skills. When you travel with others you depend upon others for translation but being alone you are forced to cross the language barrier. You are forced to practice the new language which results in the improvement of your language skills.

5. Increases Your Confidence

Heading out into the world on your own without any safety net will increase your confidence. Your decision-making abilities will increase. Here you are free to do any activity without being stressed. Dealing with different situations will lead your confidence to sky level.

6. Cost Efficient

Traveling solo is friendly with your pocket. If you are accompanying a group or your family, the expenses shoot up. Being solo means one flight ticket, single accommodation, meals, etc. Going solo means that you will have more cash left over to spend.

7. Increases Level Of Happiness

Research on solo travelers suggests that getting on vacation has the potential to increase the traveler’s happiness levels. It also helps you to get out of mild depression. It is good for your overall well-being.

8. Helps To Discover Yourself

Going on a solo trip will help you to discover yourself. You will be a different person having an open mind, and fearless character, and hence will help you to judge your caliber. You will understand the importance of following your heart. In short, you will discover your true self.

9. Learning Process Becomes Faster

In order to accommodate yourself in a new place becomes difficult because of the language barrier. Hence, you will be motivated to learn a language faster because you want to cross the language barrier.

10. Sense Of Empowerment

After completing the journey you will feel satisfied with your achievements. This sense of satisfaction is a great reward. You deserve it too because you have overcome all the situations single-handedly which will indulge a sense of empowerment in you.

Negative Aspects Of Solo Travel

1. Personal safety is the biggest issue for solo travelers.

2. You can feel lonely sometimes.

3. You won’t be able to share the moment.

4. It is difficult to take photographs when you are alone.

5. You are left with no other option than eating alone.

6. Language can cause problems.

7. Cultural shock and the adaption of foreign customs can prove to be difficult.

8. Sometimes you may have long flights.

Is Solo Travel Good For Health?

Solo Travel helps you realize the activities you actually like to do. You become a best friend of yours. You start liking your own company. When you are out on a trip your brain remains engaged, and as a result, you don’t get time to think. This situation helps the solo traveler in curing mild depression. It is good for your overall health also.

How To Deal With Loneliness When Travelling Alone?

Feeling of loneliness may arise in some solo travelers whereas some may find it adventurous. If you are feeling bad while traveling alone you can adapt these ways to overcome loneliness.

1. Meet other people and interact with them.

2. Join a day tour.

3. Be kind to yourself.

4. Start reading books or performing activities of your choice.

5. Take time to relax.

6. Don’t neglect your basic needs.

7. Plan your onward journey.

What Is Post-Vacation Syndrome?

Stress or depression after a period of intense emotion and stress after a long vacation is called post-vacation syndrome. The person may suffer from anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, low energy, and irritability, and may also find it difficult to concentrate.

Tips To Overcome Solo Travel Anxiety

1. Choose your destination wisely.

2. Be prepared fully.

3. Carry everything you may need.

4. Consult experienced people.

5. Meditation.

6. Pen down the main places, events, plans, etc.

7. Make a detailed itinerary.

Can People With Anxiety Travel Solo?

It’s natural to be anxious before leaving for solo travel. Once you are out on your journey the anxiety disappears. People who suffer from regular anxiety will be surprised to know the fact that solo travel will help them in curbing this anxiety problem. So, people with anxiety can go for solo travel without any fear.

What Should Be The Ideal Duration Of a Solo Trip?

Solo travelers’ trend shows that they generally go out for a trip ranging from 10-12 days. This much time gives you the opportunity to explore more destinations. You will also get an opportunity to dive into the local culture.

Can Solo Travel Be Awkward?

Yes, at times it can be awkward. There can be uncomfortable and challenging situations sometimes during your travel.

What Kind Of People Like To Go On A Solo Trip?

Most people who are self-reliant prefer to go on a solo journey.

Is It Safe For Girls To Go Solo?

Confident girls tend to go on solo travels. It’s considered to be difficult for girls to go on solo trips as compared to males because people think it’s risky for girls to go on such trips. A lot of courage is needed to go on a solo trip. According to some people girls don’t have such courage which is wrong. There are so many females who go on such trips.

Top 5 Countries To Travel Alone

1. South America.

2. Ubud, Indonesia.

3. Berlin, Germany.

4. Singapore.

5. Rome, Italy.

Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you all.

Ashok Raina: Ashok Raina is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, motivation and relationships, travel, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.