Research On PCOD/PCOS, Today And Tomorrow

A girl describing her pain.

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), is the most common disorder found in women these days. Because of this disorder, women suffer from irregular periods, mostly there are two main hormones secreted in the reproductive organs of females, known to be progesterone and estrogen, which are responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle.


Firstly in this disorder, less quantity of the above-stated hormones is secreted inside the ovaries secondly in addition to these hormones, other hormones such as inhibin, relaxin, and male hormones called androgen are secreted in lesser quantities. Nearly 15% of women all over the world are suffering from this disorder. Whereas in the case of PCOS, these hormones are secreted in larger amounts, especially the male hormone, and this imbalance in the secretion of hormones may skip the menstrual cycle for one, two, or even longer periods. This imbalance in females can cause certain diseases in the future.

Diseases That May Be Caused

1. It can cause diabetes in women in the future.

2. Infertility may be caused because of this disorder.

3. Excessive growth of hair on the face and the other body parts can be noticed.

4. Acne may also be noticed in such women.

5. Mis-carriage of the baby, again and again, may be noticed because of this disorder.

As stated earlier that it is the most common disorder found in women and has no exact remedies.

What Happens In Women Suffering From PCOD


Polycystic Ovarian Disease is firstly a condition in which the ovaries produce immature or partially mature eggs that too in large numbers and secondly may form a cyst in any one of the ovaries thereby leading to swelling in the ovaries and the secretion of less amount of essential hormones. Whereas the male hormone androgen is secreted in a larger amount which causes an irregular menstrual cycle in women. It can also be a cause of hair fall in women and an increase in weight, especially abdominal fat can increase. It can be controlled by making lifestyle changes like controlling weight, changes in diet also may have a positive impact on controlling the whole situation.

What Happens in Women Suffering From PCOS


PCOS ( Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ), is a metabolic disorder that also causes hormonal imbalance during the reproductive age of women. This age may vary between 11 to 52 years. The main reason behind this disorder is a higher level of secretion of the male hormone, Androgen which in turn may result in skipping the menstrual cycle in women, moreover, in this disorder, irregular ovulation takes place and it may become harder for women to get pregnant. It too can cause abnormal growth of hair over the body of women whereas Chronic PCOS is a serious condition in which medication becomes compulsory. However, in some cases, surgery can prove to be beneficial depending on the advice of the doctor and also may trigger heart disease and type2 diabetes in women.

Symptoms Of PCOD/PCOS


1. Skipped or irregular periods.

2. Increased secretion of the male hormone androgen.

3. Ovarian cysts.

4. Abnormal growth of hair on the face and the other parts of the body.

5. Continuous pain in the pelvic joint or the lower abdomen.

6. Acne ( face, chest, etc. )

8. Dark circles under the eyes and darkening of skin under the breasts.

9. Heavy menstrual bleeding.

10. Loss of hair on the scalp.

All these conditions have been given a specific name in medical science.

* Oligomenorrhea is the medical name given if the female is suffering from irregular periods.

*If skipped periods are noticed this stage is known as Amenorrhea.

* If excessive bleeding is noticed during the menstrual cycle, this is known as Menorrhagia in medical science.

Causes of PCOS


The exact reason behind this disorder is not exactly known however some of the factors that may lead to this imbalance are:

1. Heredity.

2. Inflammation.

3. Imbalance in the production of the male hormone androgen.

4. Increase in the secretion of insulin.

1. Heredity

Since heredity is one of the causes of this disorder and has been scientifically proven that the women who suffer from this disorder, and their daughters are 30-40% more prone to suffer from this disorder.

2. Inflammation

Since it has been discovered medically that the females who suffer from PCOS have inflammation in their ovaries which in turn increase the production of androgen which can lead to heart problems and diabetes so it becomes mandatory to cope with the situation that too urgently.

3. Imbalance in Production of Androgen

As stated earlier that in this condition a larger amount of androgen hormone is secreted which can also increase the abnormal growth of hair on a female’s face or all over her body.

4. Increased Production Of Insulin

In this condition, it has also been proved by a team of doctors that the rate of excretion of insulin which in turn increases the rate of secretion of male sex hormone. Normally the quantity of male sex hormone androgen in a female’s body is very less but during this disorder, the rate of excretion of male sex hormone in a female’s body increases many folds.

Points Of Difference Between PCOD And PCOS

The women are confused between these two disorders and some of them think that PCOD and PCOS are the same whereas most of them aren’t able to differentiate between the two. I’m going to explain it for your convenience.


1. It is a common disorder. 10 to 15% of women in the world are suffering from this disorder.

2. Firstly in this disorder ovaries produce immature or partially mature eggs secondly poor lifestyle, obesity, and stress may be the reasons behind this disorder.

3. PCOD doesn’t have any effect on fertility in women.

4. It doesn’t have any serious complications.


1. Since it is a serious medical condition that needs medical advice and the fact remains that 0.3 to 2.7% of women in the world are suffering from this disease.

2. It is a severe form in which ovaries stop releasing eggs.

3. In this condition fertilization becomes very difficult because of abnormal secretion of eggs from ovaries. Women may find it difficult to become pregnant.

4. It is serious and may cause heart disease and type-2 diabetes in the future.



1. Early diagnosis of disease may help in curing it in the early stage.

2. Even weight loss can improve the condition.

3. Avoiding junk food and taking a healthy diet may help a lot in both conditions.

4. However regular exercise may prove to be beneficial in such conditions.

5. Consultation from a Gynaecologist is a must in both cases.

Reduce Intake Of Carbohydrates

Since the main prevention of this disorder is to maintain weight and diet so such patients are advised to reduce the number of carbohydrates in their diet. Reducing weight can help in regulating the menstrual cycle so such patients should take fish, meat, eggs, and vegetables that will help them a lot in getting rid of this disorder, which may convert itself into a serious problem in the future. Moreover, such patients should avoid sugar and sugar products as Milk and milk products also don’t help them in any way which may increase triglyceride levels in the blood. Such patients should perform exercise regularly which will also help them in reducing their weight and in regulating healthy hormonal secretion.

Complications That Arise Because Of PCOD And PCOS


1. Miscarriage is most commonly found in such women and may undergo spontaneous miscarriages or in other words, the loss of a child.

2. During this disease the uterine lining may get thick which may cause Endometrial cancer.

3. Such women may suffer from breathing problems during their sleep which in medical science is called sleep apnea. Because of an insufficient supply of oxygen to their lungs, they get up several times during their sleep.

4. Women may suffer from depression and anxiety because of various symptoms that prevail because of this disease. They may be depressed because of abnormal hair growth, overweight, and other symptoms.

5. Risk of type 2 diabetes is very high in such women. High B.P and heart diseases are also common in such women.

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding


6. Abnormal uterine bleeding is most prevalent in such women.

7. Premature babies can take birth because of excessive secretion of male sex hormones. It is therefore advised to such women who are diagnosed with PCOD or PCOS to monitor their health on regular basis and consult their doctor. If ignored can cause serious problems in the future.

How To Diagnose PCOD/PCOS

1. Blood Tests


Moreover on the recommendation of a gynecologist blood tests can be performed to understand the secretion of hormones and even a lipid profile may be recommended to check the levels of HDL, LDL, and Triglycerides.

2. Ultrasound


Ultrasound can be performed to check the swelling in the ovaries, the lining of the uterus can also be checked, and the presence of any cyst can be diagnosed through this test.

3. Physical Examination


Since by examining physically a gynecologist may find any masses, abnormalities, or any other type of growth in the pelvic area, and accordingly, the woman may be suggested to have regular monitoring of BP and get herself checked periodically.

Treatment For PCOD/PCOS


The best treatment starts with lifestyle changes. Since weight loss, intake of less amount of carbohydrates in the diet, and exercise will help in regulating the abnormal periods still the treatment varies from patient to patient. It depends upon the symptoms, the woman is suffering from.

* Moreover, women who are suffering from menstrual disorders are prescribed medicines to regulate the disorder.

*Since there is a problem with the ovulation process so it’s regulated by oral medicines or by injections.

* Moreover, related drugs are prescribed to the woman if she is suffering from infertility and the doctor may prescribe laparoscopic surgery to destroy androgen-producing tissue in ovaries that may be causing trouble. To treat the hormonal imbalance, fast action is needed.

Moreover, there are certain queries of the women which I am going to write and answer one-by-one

Q1. Can the PCOD problem be cured permanently?

Ans1. Yes, since it depends on lifestyle changes, less intake of carbohydrates, regular exercise, reducing weight, and proper stress management so stress should be laid in maintaining these irregularities.

Q2. During PCOD, can a woman become pregnant?

Ans2. Yes, but needs planning, management, and regular consultation with your doctor.

Q3. Is PCOD, a cause of weight gain?

Ans3. Yes, due to hormonal imbalance the woman can gain weight, especially abdominal fat.

Q4. Can females suffer from PCOD after marriage?

Ans4. Yes, any woman can suffer from this disorder whether she is married or unmarried. PCOD can occur in both sexually active and inactive females.

Moreover, if any one of you, has read this article and is suffering from the above-stated symptoms, you should consult your doctor then you are advised to get detailed information about it, which will help you in getting the best treatment.

Moreover, I think you must now have understood the difference between PCOD/PCOS so, stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye!

Ashok Raina: Ashok Raina is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, motivation and relationships, travel, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.