10- Reasons Why Most Of Women Become Fat After Marriage

Over Weight Women Touching Belly

 Weight gain is the biggest problem for women; being obese becomes a headache after marriage.  You must have heard women say that their weight increased after marriage.  According to a study, 82 percent of couples gain weight after five years of marriage and this weight gain is more visible in women.  Everyone says that weight increases after marriage but do you know what is the real reason behind it?  

Know here 10 reasons for this

1. Hormonal Changes

At the beginning of married life, many types of emotional and hormonal changes also come in the girl.  Being active in sexual life is also responsible for gaining weight.  Apart from this, you also start using birth control pills to keep yourself safe, which also causes obesity in your body. Sex gives a feeling of satisfaction to the body. As a result, the body feels relaxed and stress-free. Moreover, a sense of security prevails in women, which changes their lives.

2. Negligence

Before marriage, girls pay more attention to their looks, and their weight and, also exercise regularly.  But after marriage, they get busy in their lives and it is difficult for them to take care of themselves. They sacrifice their health for the sake of their families. Most of them don’t get enough time to perform exercises and become bulky.

3. Lack of Sleep

After marriage the sleeping pattern of girls changes.  Many times they are not able to get enough sleep and this is the biggest reason for weight gain in girls. After marriage, there is a total change in the working schedule of the women. Their eating, sleeping, and working schedule changes according to the needs of a new family. As a result, they start gaining weight.

4. Change Priority

After marriage, the preferences of girls change.  Girls make routines according to their husbands and other family members. For these reasons, they do not get time for themselves and because of this, their weight starts increasing. They prefer to satisfy the needs of their family members instead of their own needs.

5. Food

Newly married couples mostly go out for dinner and consume high calories.  This increases the abdominal area of ​​women. You must have noticed that newly married couples are frequent visitors to restaurants and hotels. They usually go for dinner during late hours and eat food with high calories.

6. Age

Nowadays people get married between 28 and 30 years.  According to the study, after 30, the metabolic rate of the body decreases, due to which the body weight increases. The new generation prefers to be self-dependent before marriage. In this process, they generally cross their thirties. A decrease in metabolic activities after the thirties is one of the causes of being obese.

7. Stress

Leaving your home and adjusting to some other place after marriage is the most difficult task.  There is some stress in adjusting to a new house which indirectly affects the weight. There are many questions in the minds of women about their new families. Usually, you are going to a new place, between new family members, and in such conditions, everything is not supposed to happen according to your way. Some women take stress in such conditions and start gaining weight.

8. Social Pressure

Before marriage, our close ones keep saying look beautiful.  But after marriage, this pressure becomes negligible.  That’s why women become irresponsible about their fitness.

9. Pregnancy

This is one of the main reasons for weight gain in women.  Most couples do family planning after 1 or 2 years of marriage.  Most women do not try to lose weight after giving birth. Women become so engaged with their babies and husbands that they start neglecting their fitness.

10. Watching Television

It happens with many women that after marriage, they spend more time gossiping with new members and this leads to weight gain. In their spare time, they prefer to watch family serials neglecting their health.


What is the right age for girls to get married?

To me, 23 to 28 years is the right time for girls to get married.

How can women maintain their body weight after marriage?

They can maintain it by performing regular exercises, eating a balanced diet, and maintaining a balance between their families and personal health.

Do additional responsibilities have to do something with weight gain?

No doubt their responsibilities increase manifolds after marriage but they should always keep in mind that if they are physically fit, they can perform in a better way.

Tips for young women to live a happy married life?

Try to be patient in any situation because patience is the key to success.

I hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read my following articles. Till then Bye! God bless you all.

Ashok Raina: Ashok Raina is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, motivation and relationships, travel, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.