10 Best Passive Income Ideas

Man has notes in his pocket

Today’s life is very fast and expensive. All of us need an extra income. But for most of us, it’s a big question, as to where to get this income from. Income can be classified into two categories. One is active income and the other is passive income. When we are physically working hard or going to perform our duties daily and getting the salary at the end of every month. Such income is called active income. Most of us earn this type of income. In such a case, a person is supposed to be present every day. The day on which a person is working, he/she is paid for the work that day. Remaining absent from the job means no income that day.

What Will Happen If The Person Falls Ill

Consider a situation when the said person falls ill for a long time and isn’t able to perform his/her duty. In such a stage, the said person will not be having any income. The person isn’t able to perform because his health doesn’t allow him to work. This is the stage where the role of passive income begins. The said person starts searching for other options to generate some passive income. He should have done it years ago.

Passive Income Is Not Going To Fetch You The Results Very Quickly

Starting a passive income is not supposed to fetch you the desired results quickly. It takes some time and even years to generate passive income. This is a type of income that one can earn without devoting too much time to it. Beginners are expected to work hard for one or two years then they can relax and enjoy passive income while sitting in the comforts of their home.

My Ideas About Passive Income

Today I am going to share my ideas about passive income. I want every one of you to read the article thoroughly which may prove to be fruitful for you and your family too. As none of us know what’s going to happen in the future. So let’s start before it becomes too late. I will try my level best to get any one of the sources implemented in your lives so that you can earn a regular income either free of cost or by investing a nominal amount.


Many of us might not be knowing the difference between a book and an e-book. A book after being made is published by a publisher and has a hard copy. It passes through many stages before being published. Then you have to advertise the book to get it sold. In the case of an e-book, you need only to write it in the form of P.D.F. You can get it uploaded on Kindleyard or any other platform.

The only thing required from you is your knowledge of any particular topic. Believe me, if it adds to the value of readers, they definitely will read it. The greater the no. of people reading it, the greater income you will generate. Firstly thousands of e-books are uploaded on various platforms every day and secondly, you can test your knowledge and can upload a book on a topic, you feel you have a stronghold on. No doubt you can design it for better looks and can get it designed by an expert to gain the attention of readers. Moreover, there is no need of getting it printed, stored, or published in the form of a hard copy. You can list your book on Amazon, Flipkart, or any other platform.


Writing blogs on a particular niche can be another option for you to generate a handsome passive income. Hence you can write blogs on cooking, traveling, shopping, health, or any other niche. Remember, the topic on which you start writing must have a stronghold on that topic. Bloggers generally write articles on many topics and are read by people also. The main thing which plays an important role in a successful blogger’s life is Patience. Since blogging needs some time for generating a good income so you just continue to write blogs on topics of your interest. Slowly and steadily it will grow and will generate a passive income for you.


You can consider it as another option for generating passive income. You can develop a particular course comprising 4, 6, or 8 videos. There are different platforms where you can sell your videos. If anyone purchases the course even when you are sleeping, your account will be credited to the amount selected by you for the course. A course that adds to the knowledge of readers can work wonders for you and your financial health. 


If you are interested in photography, you can click on some professional photos and sell them online. There are so many platforms for selling these photographs online. You can upload your clicked photographs on various platforms and sell them thereby getting a handsome income. Even if you aren’t able to click professional photographs, you can join online courses for attaining professionalism. You can also earn for your self-made paintings and drawings on the same platform. A good mobile phone can help you in clicking good photographs.


It’s said these days that mobile phones have replaced television and youtube is one of the largest watched channels these days. No doubt It has gained importance with time and you also might have heard or seen several people earning a handsome income from it these days as it’s very simple and free to create your youtube channel. Even small kids can manage and create these channels. Many of these kids are also earning a handsome income from these youtube channels. If you have got some talent you can also get the desired result by showing it to others through your youtube channel.


If you feel that you can neither make a video nor can stand in front of the camera then there is another option for you. You can produce your audiobook. Millions of audiobooks are sold every day, then why can’t you? Just record your impressive audio and in fact, many platforms are ready for that. Just upload it online and start your passive income. Moreover, The fact is that each one of us has got a talent and the only thing is to explore it in which you can help yourself by exploring the field of interest to generate a passive income for you. 


These days people prefer to buy everything online that too in the comforts of their houses, they can get everything and you can’t just imagine that people these days are even purchasing vegetables online. They purchase clothes, kitchen appliances, furniture, etc. while sitting in their comfort zone. As this market is increasing day by day so big companies like Amazon, Flipkart, etc are offering affiliate marketing for people who want to earn money without even spending even a single rupee. The only thing you need to do is to advertise the products online from your id provided to you by these companies. Moreover, if anyone purchases any product on your recommendation, your account is credited with a handsome commission so it’s high time for you also to join it. Moreover, If you are running a successful channel and have a good follower base, you can recommend the products.


When it comes to the turn of direct selling, most of them run away from this concept. This concept is increasing day by day. Network marketing is one of the richest sources of passive income. In this type of marketing, initially, you are supposed to sell your product and then create a good team of yours. If you have a solid product and a solid team then it’s sure that you are going to earn a handsome passive income. The richest people in the world do that. They use the talent and time of others to make themselves rich. 


Those who have got big properties can think about earning passive income by placing their properties on rent but those who haven’t anything can also think about it as these days a concept is built in our society which is known as vacation homes. You can advertise for those vacation homes thereby earning a handsome commission.


Moreover, you can also think about writing a book of your own and can get your book published yourself by spending a small amount. Some so many publishers that can do it for you for only Rs15000 or 20000. You just publish a book and readers are ready to read it. The only thing is that your book must be adding value to their lives.

I hope, you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you all.

Ashok Raina: Ashok Raina is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, motivation and relationships, travel, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.