Shocking Facts About Jaggery: A Wonderful Gift of God

Jaggery on wood

I am here again with another vital piece of information. We all must be aware of JAGGERY, but very few of us must be knowing its benefits. Today I am going to give you detailed information about this wonderful gift of nature. Jaggery which in the Indian language is called GUR is prepared from unrefined sugar and is obtained by boiling raw, concentrated sugarcane juice till it solidifies. Although jaggery is also made from the sap of coconut and date palm, the one made from sugarcane is the one that’s used most widely.

What Our Ancestors Used To Do

Friends we know about the time a few years back when it used to be a tradition to take a small piece of it by our elders before going to bed or after having their meals. They knew about the detoxifying abilities of jaggery. Jaggery is considered to be better than sugar because sugar adds empty calories to our bodies, which jaggery doesn’t. also has a no. of health benefits, including the ability to cleanse the body, help in digestion, and provide a good amount of minerals to our body. It prevents constipation as it helps in clearing our bowl system. It activates the digestive enzymes in our body, thus helping in proper digestion.


1. Boosts the total count of hemoglobin in the blood. 

2. Helps in maintaining blood pressure.

3. It can purify the blood. It purifies the blood, leaving our body healthy.

4. Prevents bones and joint problems such as arthritis.

5. Helps in improving the digestive system.

6. Provides nourishment to every part of our body.

7. It treats and prevents many skin problems such as acne and pimples.

8. the Rich source of Iron and Minerals.

9. It acts as a Detox and helps in cleansing the liver by flushing out nasty toxins from the body.

10. It is also loaded with antioxidants and minerals like Zinc and Selenium, which help in preventing free radicals which are responsible for early aging, cancer, and many more diseases.

11. It boosts resistance against infections thereby enhancing our immunity.

12. It prevents constipation by aiding digestion.

13. Moreover eating a piece of jaggery daily can help women combat PMS symptoms including mood swings, menstrual cramps, and abdominal pain. 

14. It acts as a natural sweetener and provides energy over an extended period.


The people who have frequent respiratory tract problems, jaggery could be one of the best solutions as it can prevent Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. by including the same in their diet so it is better if jaggery along with sesame seeds is taken by such people. This combination is ideal for treating respiratory problems.


It is a natural diuretic, hence helping in reducing inflammation of the bladder and thus helping in the smooth flow of urine.


Jaggery also helps cure flu-like symptoms such as cold and cough. Since it leads to the production of heat in one’s body thereby fighting the cold so to reap better benefits, mix jaggery with hot milk to get the maximum benefits out of it.


As stated earlier, jaggery is rich in magnesium. Every 10gms of this contains 16mg of magnesium. So, if one consumes even 10gms of jaggery every day will have good intestinal health as magnesium boosts the working of intestines.


If anybody is suffering from digestive troubles then you are reading the exact article. Moreover, people who suffer from constipation and acidity are prescribed to take a small quantity of jaggery after every meal to get rid of this trouble, and It slowly will improve your digestive system and will bring it back on track.


Moreover, a child or woman, who is suffering from anemia is prescribed to take it daily as it contains iron in it and you might be knowing the fact that iron is a very important component of our blood which helps us in recovering from anemia. Instead of taking any synthetic form of iron start taking jaggery. It improves your hemoglobin slowly and steadily.


Since we all know that liver is one of the important organs of our body so intake of jaggery acts as a detoxifying agent and helps in removing toxins from our liver, thereby increasing the metabolic rate. 


If you are suffering from pimples and any type of allergy. Jaggery can prove to be a wonderful natural medicine. It purifies our blood and removes toxins from our blood also. It can give miraculous results.


However, if you feel that your intestines are not being cleaned properly and you are not satisfied after passing the stool then you can take jaggery as it acts as a very good natural cleanser for our intestines

It is, however, suggested to consume jaggery in moderate amounts. Just 20gms of it contains 38 calories and has 9.8gms of carbohydrates,9.7gms of sugar,0.01gms of protein, choline, betaine, vitamin B12, B6, folate, calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, selenium, and manganese. It has no traces of any kind of fats so one can readily add it to one’s diet without worrying about excessive fat intake.

Hope that this information of mine will help you a lot in gaining knowledge about this miraculous gift of nature. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you all.

Ashok Raina: Ashok Raina is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, motivation and relationships, travel, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.