Home Personal Finance The Secret Of Earning Time And Money

The Secret Of Earning Time And Money

by Ashok Raina
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Man counting money

Dear friends, I am here again with my thoughts and way of thinking. You might agree with my thoughts. Friends this is a very fast world going on. Nobody has time for anybody. Even the elderly people in the family are ignored by us. We are so busy earning money that we don’t have time even for our children. I have a suggestion for everybody in such a scenario, “HOLD ON” for some time and start thinking about yourself, your family, and your loved ones.

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Our Engagements

We are so busy that sometimes we are not even aware that somebody in our neighborhood is dead and we have to spare time to attend his/her funeral. We all know the fact that we are also going to meet the same fate one day, still, we ignore the fact for one reason or the other. If by chance we enter the funeral ground someday, we realize the fact for some time only. Once we come out of the gate of the funeral ground we forget everything again and continue to move on the old path i.e. on the path of earning money by hook or crook. It used to be a time when after coming back from the office, in the evening people used to sit together and discuss their problems and share their sorrows and happiness.

Loss Of Precious Moments

Unfortunately, we have lost all those moments these days. These days we prefer to sit in front of computers or mobile or watch television. We have lost time of leisure. Dear friends, it’s a time when we are doing nothing and thinking about nothing. No good or bad thoughts come into our minds. The result is that we suffer from depression, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and so many other deadly diseases.

Result Of Our Super Engagements

The names of the diseases we had never heard of, have become common these days. Every third person is suffering from diabetes, thyroid, hypertension, cancer, and many more. So, friends, it’s a suggestion from my side that give some time to your family, try to spend leisure time with your family. We must understand the fact that we all came on this earth without money and are expected to leave this world too without money. Don’t let money overpower our health and relations. To me, if we can spare some time for leisure and walk in those old footsteps, we may become happy again. As money can’t buy everything. So, I will like to advise all of you with the hope that you might have understood my point and will apply it in your life too.


How to become rich

Some of us suffer a lot because of poor economic conditions in life. Despite their best efforts, they are not able to come out of it. Sometimes a business doesn’t flourish, sometimes people don’t repay their debt or sometimes you suffer from an illness. There may be many reasons behind this. The biggest reason, why people suffer from poor economic conditions is their wisdom and unawareness.

Tale of big investors

The people who are big investors in the world market, continue to read books i.e. continue to get knowledge. Big industrialists confess that they are successful only because they never gave up the habit of reading and gaining information. Most of the troubles in our life are because of unawareness. We don’t succeed only because we don’t have enough knowledge. If anybody is facing such a problem and want to come out of this situation then he/she has to increase his/her knowledge. BILL GATES, one of the richest people in the world had once said, “IF YOU ARE BORN POOR, IT’S NOT YOUR MISTAKE BUT IF YOU DIE POOR, IT’S YOUR MISTAKE”.

Gaining Knowledge Means Success

The point is, that the more you succeed in gaining knowledge, the more chances are there for you to grow rich. By gaining knowledge, you can learn more ways of becoming rich. Another successful man says,” If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you have to work until you die.” A knowledgeable person who is poor, he can earn up to any extent whereas if a person does not know has enough money, will lose it. Today is the age of technology. By using this we can earn a lot. You can use this technology for gaining information. Only use this to gain knowledge. Don’t allow it to make you a slave. I will give you an example in this context. Do read it carefully.

Michal’s Story

Michal, a small kid, was given a shirt by his father. Father wanted his son to sell it in the market. Father, first of all, asked his son to guess the cost of that shirt. The son answered that its cost will be about one dollar. Father told his son to sell it for two dollars. His son went to the market to sell it. After facing many hardships for six hours, he was finally able to sell the shirt for two dollars. He returned to his home and handed over the money to his father. Father then handed a tee shirt to his son and told him to sell it for 20 dollars. The son pasted a sticker of Mickey Mouse on its backside and stood outside a school.

Determination Of The Child

A child purchased the tea shirt for 20 dollars and also gave him a tip of 5 dollars. After reaching his home, the child handed over 25 dollars to his father. Father became very happy. The next day, his father again handed him the same tee shirt and told him to sell it for 2000 dollars. He became very tense. At the same time, he heard that one Hollywood actor is visiting the same city today. The child waited for him. He penetrated through the crowd and managed to get an autograph of the celebrity. Then the child auctioned the tea shirt for 2000 dollars. He again handed over the money to his father.

Lesson Learnt

His father then asked his son, what all you learned from here? The child answered, “WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY.” Father replied, it’s correct up to an extent. Father said my son we are human beings. We can do anything using our knowledge. The tea shirt whose original cost was one dollar, you sold for 2000 dollars because of your knowledge and awareness. The child is none but MICHAL JORDAN.


So remember, with incomplete information you can’t compete in this competitive world. So try to increase your knowledge and wisdom and rule this world. To gain knowledge and blessings from your elders.

Hope you will enjoy reading this Article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you all.

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