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The Shocking Revelation Of How to Remain Away From Impatience

by Ashok Raina
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Patience is a word that is very complex and very difficult to practice in life. This is a bitter truth that these days people have become very impatient. If you read this article with patience you going to gain something which is going to be very useful in your life. ” HOW TO REMAIN PATIENT. ” ” HOW TO KEEP OURSELVES CALM. “

There are three main reasons why we become impatient

Because of ourselves

Suppose the net in your area is not working properly. In such cases, we become impatient and start cursing the service providers. The result that we are waiting for is not coming because of slow net frustrates us.

Because of others

If your maid is not coming on time and she is irregular too. This can also make us impatient. Suppose you sent a message to your friend and she is not replying to it, maybe another cause of getting impatient. There are so many reasons in our daily life to become impatient.

Because of the situation

If your train is late or your flight has been canceled. Many of us become impatient in that situation also. If you are in hurry to reach your office and you are caught in a traffic jam is another example.


Patience is not an entity that can be learned or taught to someone. It is an inbuilt tendency. No such topic is taught in schools. Parents can only guide you not to be impatient. Since it is not taught to us by anybody, it grows with us and reaches a stage where it starts damaging us. It has a great impact on our mental ability too. A frustrated mind can’t act in the right direction. Our decision-making ability suffers a lot. Stress, high B.P, mental tension, and so many other diseases start to grab our minds and body. The main thing is that it retards our mental ability and stops our professional growth. It becomes an obstacle in our way to success. To achieve success in life, impatience has to be left. So, it becomes very important for us to know, how to be Patient.

Ways Of Keeping Ourselves Patient

I am going to tell you some ways of keeping ourselves patient and stress-free. Please be patient while reading this article, only then you will be able to make the most of it. Patience is a war against ourselves. We have to fight with ourselves. Now the question is how to fight with ourselves. We are not only supposed to fight with ourselves but have to win also. Are you ready?

Notice The Situation That Makes You Impatient

First of all, we have to find situations in our life that make us impatient and notice what we do and how we react after becoming impatient. To find the reason, you need to take a break from your work and sit silently and thoughtfully. You need to be cool and calm. Just take a deep breath and start thinking about it. The problem lies that most of us won’t admit that we become impatient. Everybody says that he/she is very patient. The truth remains otherwise. To find it whether you are patient or impatient, you have to think with all your efforts in an above-stated way. The answer is in your thinking ability.

When Things Don’t Work According To Our Wish

Suppose a mother becomes impatient when her child cries without any reason or performs some naughty activity. She becomes very angry and cries at her child and in her fit of anger, she also slaps her child. When you reach your office late and your boss starts crying at you. You become very angry and either want to leave the job or retaliate. You just have to start thinking on the behalf of your boss. Suppose you are the boss and your employee has come late. What would you have done in that case? We have to place ourselves in his place and consider the same situation. You definitely will get an answer. If we start thinking according to others’ points of view, only then we will be in a position to judge the situation in a better way.

Situation In Which A Person Can Be Impatient

If your maid is coming late or is irregular too. Try to find the reason behind it. There is a possibility that there is something wrong with her. There might be a traffic jam, a problem in her own house or non-availability of convincing, or any other reason. If you start thinking this way, your impatience will calm down immediately. Try to think her way also. Your anger will calm down automatically. We have to think or ask ourselves if Is it necessary to be impatient? Is being impatient, solving my problem. Is becoming impatient helping my cause.


As stated earlier about a man caught in a traffic jam and becoming impatient. Is impatience going to help him in getting out of the traffic jam.? Not. Then what is the fun of being impatient in this case? Try to remain calm. We don’t have to run from the situation, but we have to face it with calmness. There are so many situations in life that are out of our control. Switching off the light, a late take-off of your flight, getting caught in a traffic jam, etc. Becoming impatient is not going to help you in any of these situations.


I will give you another example. Suppose a lady is cooking a vegetable on her gas stove by keeping it at a high flame. As a result, the food is not properly cooked and is giving out a burning smell also. She then lowers the flame of her gas stove giving time for her vegetable to get cooked properly. This way the burning smell also disappears and food is also cooked properly. Lowering the flame means patience. If a gardener is sowing the seeds today, he can’t expect its fruits to come out the next day. To get fruit out of it, he has to be patient. Patience is like gas collected in a pressure cooker. If we release it properly, it will do wonders in our life otherwise it will explode and will harm us. How to release pressure healthily.

As I talked about a man caught in a traffic jam and becoming impatient. Instead of being impatient, he should think about another way to release his pressure. As he has to bear the situation. He can divert his attention by calling his friends on phone or by playing any game on his phone or in any other way he likes. 


The conclusion is that we have to be satisfied with what we have got. We should be thankful to God for what he has given to us and should restrict our needs. We should believe in Simple Living and High Thinking. Greed is also one of the causes of being impatient. Try to live a stressful life and handle inpatient situations very calmly. As stated earlier, diversion of attention from inpatient situations will help a lot. Make your thinking broader.

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