Home Relationships How Internet Has Created A Void In Societies And Families With Benefits And Drawbacks

How Internet Has Created A Void In Societies And Families With Benefits And Drawbacks

by Ashok Raina
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People holding hands together

The benefits of the internet are numerous. It is not only a source of information but also connects every aspect of our lives. It has infinite connectivity but is vulnerable also. This system of the internet is complex and we aren’t able to understand the source of information which is causing a great threat to people of all age groups. Moreover, The National Library Of Medicine and National Institutes Of Health ( NIA ) has revealed that children between the age groups of 8 to 28 spend about 45 hours a week on their mobiles or computer screens and have become addicted to video games. The young generation has become dependent on the internet and has exposed themselves to various side effects.

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How Internet Has Created A Void

A son along with his father is  on a video call.

There used to be a time when after completing the day’s work, people used to visit their nears and dears. Strong bonds of affection used to exist between different relations. Moreover, after the invention of the internet, Facebook came into being and people started spending time on it. Then the havoc of Instagram occurred. People started posting their short videos on it. After that Tic-Tok stole the show. People started keeping themselves engaged in these apps. As a result, people were left with no spare time for their near and dear. Even children started suffering because the parents kept themselves engaged on the internet. Slowly and steadily children too got involved in all those activities which their parents performed.

My point is that relations started fading and were confined to calls/video calls. I have seen even children being ignored because of this menace. In some families, you might have also witnessed that the father is engaged on a laptop, the mother also using her phone, and the children playing games on their phones. The interesting fact is that all of them are sitting in the same room but even speaking a single word they are engaged in useless activities. Moreover, these days a father shows his love towards his children by presenting a phone to him, the child happily accepts it and starts playing games on it. The time which should have been devoted to studies is devoted to useless activities on phone. This is not only the fate of children but adults are also engaged in such activities.

Life Before The Invention Of The Internet

As it is commonly said that every coin has two faces. The same is the case here also. If the invention of the internet has provided wings to the lives of people, it has created a void in societies also. I am going to elaborate on how life used to be before the invention of the internet.


1. Innocent Time

People of the village gossiping after the day's work.

People used to live innocent life. Moreover, people used to go to their offices, and children to schools. In the afternoon they used to sit together and discussed the happenings of the day with each other. Moreover, Amazon used to be the name of a river to all the people and nobody knew that it was a shopping store. After the invention of the internet, they came to know that it is an online shopping app. This is how things have changed. People used to live a simple and hard life.

2. Music

Tape recorder.

Music at that time was confined to tape recorders or radios. Radios were used on a large scale. It used to be the source from where people got information or news about the world. People had to spend hours waiting for that one particular tune to play.

3. Socialization

Friends socializing physically.

Moreover, physical socialization used to be active in those times, and watching a movie or purchasing any goods required them to go outside the four walls of their houses. They needed to meet and make friends with people in person.

4. Dating

A boy proposing his girlfriend.

Dating used to be totally different in those days. One needed to pluck up the courage to propose to a girl. Usually, your long existing friend used to be the messenger to put up the request before your girlfriend.

5. Lack Of Sources Of Information

A girl searching for a book.

You had to work hard to find any information. Books used to be the only source of information. For a specific book, you needed to physically search a house of books called a Library. It used to be a tough ask.

6. Mobile Gaming

Old snake game in Nokia mobile.

Playing a game on mobile was unthinkable. When Nokia came up with a game like ‘SNAKE’, it started changing the world of gaming forever.

7. Games

Men playing carom board.

In those times multi-player games needed a table. One was supposed to meet up with friends to play tabletop games. Games like Ludo, Ladder climbing, and carom board needed your physical presence.

8. Mode Of Sending Messages

Letters lying in a box.

People used to send letters to their loved ones, instead of e-mails. The message needed to be written on paper, enclosed in an envelope, and then finally posted. One was supposed to pay the postage charges also. This complete process needed a long time to reach the address.

9. Selfies

Old age cameras.

Selfies in the 1990s used to be a dream for most of us. It needed a polaroid camera along with the physical presence of a photographer.

Life After The Invention Of The Internet

1. Exposure Time

Various apps used by people after the invention of the internet.

After the invention of the internet, every one of us got exposed to the new world. People started knowing about new apps and platforms. Various online shopping apps came into existence. With the increase in internet speed, playing games on mobiles got wings. People started wasting their time in front of their mobile screens.

2. Music

Music apps.

Availability of any type of music old or new became common and easier. Any song of any time can be heard or downloaded after the invention of the internet. Its fast speed proved a boom in the popularity of various music apps.

3. Socialization

A girl on a phone call.

Socialization restricted itself to phones only. People switched on the mode of socialization from physical presence to calls or video calls. Now relations are confined to e-mails, and video calls only.

4. Dating

A boy proposing a girl.

Dating and proposing became easier. The hard work which needed to be done before the invention of the internet, as for as dating or purposing is concerned has disappeared. You can simply purpose by sending a message. Sitting in the comforts of your house and purposing to a girl, is like a dream coming true to many of us.

5. Sources Of Information

Sources of information.

Plenty of sources of information are available these days. You can download any sort of information easily, using the internet. From the origination of the world to the future of the world, any information is available these days.

6. Social Media Posts

Social media posts.

These days social media posts can be posted on various platforms, where people from any part of the world can see them. Social media has become active beyond our imagination.

7. Mobile Gaming

A boy playing game in his mobile.

Various games can be downloaded, purchased online, and played now. Playing games on phone has become a trend these days. High-speed internet has solved the purpose of game lovers.

8. Mode Of Sending Messages

Modern way of sending mails.

Letters have given place to e-mails, and messages, which can be sent easily and the receiver receives the message immediately. This has brought a revolution to the messaging world.

9. Selfies

Girls taking selfies.

Clicking selfies became common, after the introduction of the internet. These days you can find many people on the roadside taking their selfies. This clearly indicates, how easy it has become. No polaroid camera and no third person is needed these days for clicking a selfie.

Are These Changes Good Or Bad

As for as we follow our customs and traditions, these changes are good. I mean to say, as for as we are physically social, the bond of affection is strong. Until and unless these changes don’t harm our relations, these changes can be born. But to me, these changes have created a void in our societies, especially the children are the sufferers. They are left with no time to socialize their relations. The result is that this new generation is becoming feelingless and emotionless. The use of technology is good but don’t let it harm your life, emotions, feelings, and relations.

Benefits Of Internet

1. Online tickets can be booked and orders can be placed.

2. Cashless transactions can be done.

3. Can be used for educational purposes.

4. Research work can be done.

5. You can search for jobs using the internet.

6. Social networking.

7. You can send electronic mail.

8. One can take online classes for studies.

9. Files can be downloaded.

10. You can play interactive games.

Drawbacks Of The Internet.

1. Easy availability of illegal online content that isn’t age-suitable.

2. Its addiction has a negative impact on both the personal and professional life of a person.

3. Some unwanted elements may misuse for spreading rumors.

4. Some people use it for hacking the accounts of others. They can steal your data or banking details.

Impact Of The Internet On Children

1. Waste Their Precious Time

With the advancement in technology and increased internet speed, thousands of online games are available. Children waste their precious time playing these games. In such a situation, parents need to keep a check on their children. Children become addicted and even start buying these games at available rates, blowing a hole in their parent’s pockets.

There have been many cases where children committed suicide because of their inability to complete various tasks in a game. Blue Whale is the best-suited example of these games. It is a notorious game that snatched the lives of many children. One should understand that all this happens only because of improper supervision of the parents. Parents here have to play their role. Proper monitoring and supervision can help their children in many ways.

2. Social Media

Social media users in recent times have increased many folds. It used to be a platform to gain knowledge but these days it has become a place where you can find violent, sexual, and hateful content dominating knowledgeable content. This kind of content has a harmful impact on the lives of children.

No parent, around the world will like their children to absorb such content. You might have also witnessed an increase in depressed children these days. Such content and the inability to complete various tasks in the game is the reason behind this.

Experts suggest, taking a break from social media platforms can reduce the risk of depression.

3. Health Problems

Children these days spend most of their time on various social media platforms. Instead of going for a walk or playing outdoor games, they prefer to keep themselves busy on mobile/laptop screens. As a result, there is a huge rise in the number of children suffering from insomnia, depression, obesity, and diminished vision. This is only because of their stagnant life and excess use of mobile phones.

Which Is The Most Dreadful Negative Impact Of the Internet?

Breakdown in social relationships because of no or very less physical interaction is the most dreadful negative impact of the internet. Exposure to false information, violence, and nudity has a negative impact on the lives of children.

How Technology Has Done More Harm?

No doubt, technology has improved communication, monetary transaction, and the education system all over the world, but it has brought a lot of suffering also. You may find people suffering from mental illness, sleep loss, reduced physical exercise, and distracted driving.

Has Technology Made Us Less Social?

A study done by Larry Rosen, a professor of psychology reveals that technology distracts people from real-world relationships. People become physically inactive and try to communicate on the phone instead of in physical communication.

How Social Media Is Making Us Antisocial?

Unwanted material such as speeches of hatred, scenes of violence, and sexual content has a negative impact on our societies, especially on children. Such content can make has the ability to make some undereducated people antisocial. 


I would like to request all my readers only to absorb the positive side of technology and keep aside the negative things. Children should also use it for gaining knowledge. Be physically social and try to make the bonds of relations propel.

Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you.

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