Dynamic Research On P.I.D ( Pelvic Inflammatory Disease )

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 P.I.D (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), is one of the most common disorders found in women today, which can cause complications of various types in the future. Awareness can help women in getting themselves treated in time so that they can save themselves from those complications. Today, I am here to discuss this topic because I want at least my readers to get rid of this disease and its complications and side effects. So, without any delay let’s come on to the topic. P.I.D is a disease caused because of infection in the reproductive organs of females. It is caused because of bacteria that enter the female’s body through the vagina. Through the vagina, it moves into the uterus, then to the fallopian tubes, then into the ovaries, and then finally into the lower abdomen. This is how it spreads.

Signs Of P.I.D

Source: www.healthdirect.com

In some women, the symptoms can be noticed whereas in some cases the symptoms are missing. Some of the women come to know about this disease only when they want to be pregnant but aren’t able to get pregnant. In some cases the pelvic pain may arise at once, showing the signs of the disease. If neglected at the very stage may become chronic. The women may suffer from pain in the pelvic parts or the lower abdomen for months or even years together. Some women also may suffer from lower back pain and heaviness in the hips. Some more accountable signs are:

1. Pain In The Lower Abdomen

Source: www.starhealthinsurance.com

The intensity of pain varies from woman to woman. Some women may suffer from mild pain, some from moderate pain, and some from severe pain. The pain may occur in the pelvic parts or lower abdomen.

2. White Discharge

Source: www.theasianparent.com

The women suffering from P.I.D suffer from the problem of white discharge. Mostly white discharge is in larger amounts than usual but maybe in lesser amounts in some cases. This white discharge has a very foul smell, indicating that something is wrong. This symptom may be because of P.I.D.

3. Flight Bleeding

Source: www.santripty.com

Women suffering from this disease may suffer from flight bleeding means bleeding during sexual intercourse or after performing sex. They may suffer from mild bleeding during or after sexual intercourse. Bleeding may take place at any time between the next menstrual cycle. It means that irregular periods may be noticed. Imbalance in the periods may be another hint of this disease.

4. Pain During Urination

Source: www.dreamstime.com

Such women may suffer from pain during urination. Some of them may feel an urge to urinate again and again. A burning sensation may also be felt by women suffering from this disease.

5. Pain During Sexual Intercourse

Source: www.firstcryparenting.com

If any woman suffers from pain during sexual intercourse, maybe another sign of P.I.D. There is a possibility that the woman is suffering from P.I.D and is in its grip. If any woman is suffering from such symptoms, in this case, she needs treatment and should consult her gynecologist.

Now, I am going to elaborate on some more symptoms which confirm that the woman is suffering from P.I.D and needs immediate treatment.

6. Fever

Source: www.dreamstime.com

If the woman along with the above-stated symptoms is suffering from fever ranging from 100F to 102F. It becomes necessary to consult a doctor. She needs medical attention in this case.

7. Nausea And Vomitings

Source: www.dreamstime.com

The said woman is suffering from nausea and vomiting and isn’t able to hold even water in her stomach, which indicates her worse condition of the woman. Such a woman is not able to eat anything, whatsoever she eats, comes out and the pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic areas becomes severe, medical attention is needed in this case also. The said woman needs to be hospitalized. If the suffering woman is not treated properly and timely can cause complications in the future. Such a patient is needed to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Complications That Arise, If Not Treated

If the symptoms are ignored or not treated properly, scars can be formed in the infected site, puss cell pockets can also be formed at the site of infection and the infected reproductive organs can be damaged. Other complications which mostly are seen in such patients include:

1. Infertility

Source: www.medicoverfertility.in

The infected woman may find it difficult to get pregnant. The said lady isn’t able to conceive because of the damage caused to the fallopian tubes. Scars or puss cell pockets may be the reasons behind the damage to the fallopian tubes. In such conditions, sperms and eggs aren’t able to fertilize because the sperm get mixed with the puss cells or may enter into scars. In such conditions, egg and sperm aren’t able to react with each other to get fertilized because of the abstraction in the fallopian tubes. P.I.D is the main cause of creating obstacles in the fallopian tubes and infertility.

2. Ectopic Pregnancy

Source: www. onlymyhealth.com

If by chance the lady becomes pregnant, it may prove to be fatal for her. Generally, the fertilization of the egg and ovum takes place in the fallopian tube, and then the embryo moves to the uterus and implants itself in the uterus. If the woman is suffering from P.I.D or has a history of P.I.D, then in this case the sperm that passes through the fallopian tube aren’t able to reach the uterus because of an obstacle.

What Happens Then

Source: www.livescience.com

In this case, when after fertilization the embryo moves towards the uterus, it isn’t able to cross that obstacle and hence starts developing in the fallopian tube. The pregnancy starts developing at the blocked site, such pregnancy is called an ectopic pregnancy. If not diagnosed within time may prove fatal. The embryo continues to grow in the fallopian tube and hence expands. We know that there is no extra or exact space to accommodate the growing embryo. It may result in rupturing of the fallopian tube and may take away the life of the lady.

3. Chronic Pelvic Pain

Source: www.pelvicpaindoc.com

The woman can also suffer from chronic pelvic pain if the disease is not treated properly or within time. The woman can suffer from acute pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic parts for months or years together.

4. Ovarian Ascus

Source: www.huffpost.com

The puss pockets which I talked about earlier, may convert themselves into ovarian Ascus. Usually, this Ascus is formed in the fallopian tube and ovary but can also be formed in the uterus. Because of this Ascus (puss-filled pockets), women can suffer from severe pain. It can be complicated and can prove fatal.


1. Sexual Intercourse

Source: www.dreamstime.com

During sexual intercourse, this bacteria may enter the vagina of the woman, and from there it spreads to all reproductive parts. The two common bacteria which cause P.I.D are chlamydia and gonorrhea. Normally our cervix is formed in such a way that it protects women from infections. It is cervical mucus that helps women in fighting against infections. It doesn’t allow infectious bacteria to enter the women’s bodies. There are certain times when this mucus doesn’t protect the woman from entering the disease-causing bacteria. During the menstrual cycle, mucus doesn’t work properly because of the outflow of the unfertilized egg. It is the time when this bacteria enters the body of a woman.

2. After Birth Of A Child

Source: www.dreamstime.com

After a child’s birth, for some months the protection is not available. This protection isn’t also available after an abortion or miscarriage. So, in the above-stated conditions, the women have to be hygienic. One can understand very easily that during the menstrual cycle if a woman goes for sexual intercourse, she is more prone to get infected. She can also come under the grip of this bacteria if sexual intercourse is done in all the above-stated conditions.

3. Intra-Uterine Devices

Source: www.theverge.com

The placement of intrauterine devices ie, copper-T, or any contraceptive device may be one of the reasons behind P.I.D. It’s a rare case but the possibility is there that while placing a contraceptive device the bacteria may enter inside the body of a woman. In that case, the device has to be removed as soon as possible.


1. Use Of Condom

Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com

If a woman suffers from P.I.D repeatedly, then it’s advised to such women that they should use condoms during sexual intercourse. It is the best way of stopping bacteria from entering the vagina of women. Repeated P.I.D in any woman also suggests that the counterpart of the woman has to administer the medicine also. If only a woman is getting the treatment and is again infected by the disease after sexual intercourse means that her counterpart is acting as a source of infection in that case.

2/ Maintaining Proper Hygiene

Source: www.adobestock.com

Maintaining proper hygiene is very important for women always but is a necessity for women suffering from this disease. Such women are advised to change their menstrual pads at least thrice a day. They are also advised to change their panties twice a day.

There are so many treatments available in allopathy, homeopathy, and Ayurveda. You can opt for the best treatment of your own choice and get rid of this disease. May God bless you all!

Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye!

Ashok Raina: Ashok Raina is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, motivation and relationships, travel, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.