Importance Of “Gut” In Our Lives

Women Running

Hi guys, today I am here to discuss the importance of a good digestive system and the importance of the GUT in maintaining good health. For this, you have to understand how the digestive system works. The process of digestion starts right from our mouth. Their food is chewed and mixed with saliva containing an enzyme known to be Ptylin (Amylase). This Ptylin helps in the digestion of food. The food is then swallowed, passes through the food pipe(esophagus), and enters our stomach. Food moves down the esophagus with a wave-like movement.

What Happens In The Stomach

In the stomach, the partial digestion of food takes place. The stomach can hold two or two and a half-liter of food at a time. The muscles of the stomach convert the food into a semi-solid paste known to be Chyme. The walls of the stomach contain millions of gastric glands, which secrete gastric juices including HCl, which helps in further softening food and killing the bacteria which have entered through food into our stomach. After partial digestion, the food enters into small intestines(gut).In the small intestines, the semi-digested food mixes with juices from the liver, pancreas, and other glands for its complete digestion.

Making A Good Relation With Bacteria

Trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms live on or inside our bodies. Maintaining a well-balanced relationship with them is very beneficial for our health. Together they form GUT BIOME. The bacteria in the gut can break the food into simpler forms and help the food in proper digestion. The food rich in fiber content help in the formation of these good bacteria in the GUT, resulting in proper digestion of food. The GUT is a very thin lining that gets destroyed by the intake of non-fibrous food or fatty food. Milk products also damage it a lot. Brain and GUT connection is not hidden from anybody. If a person has a good digestive system, means the said person is going to have a stable brain.

What Happens In IBS

It has been proved scientifically that a person having an irritable bowel is irritable by nature. The said person is not able to answer the NATURE’S CALL up to satisfaction in the morning. So, after the complete digestion in the small intestines, the finger-like projections (villies)in the small intestines absorb the energy of the food and distribute it to various parts of the body through the blood and transfer the remaining waste to the large intestines. From there the food is transferred to RECTUM(the storehouse of solid waste.)Then this waste is excreted through ANUS. So, please keep your Gut healthy by taking a lot of fibrous food like salad and broccoli and see the difference.

What is “Gut”

The biggest organ in living beings or the lining of our intestines which works as a filter is called GUT. Its total area is 215 sq. feet. It plays a very important role in keeping our bodies fit and healthy.

If I say that 95% of the diseases in our body can be cured or we will not get affected by several diseases by taking some precautions. To me, it sounds very good. Now I am going to share this idea with you. read it carefully and get benefited from it. The diseases from which we can protect ourselves are high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, heart diseases, headache, migraine, thyroid, cancer, mood swing, depression, and many more.

An Important Question

If I ask a question which of our body parts is exposed to the outer environment and bears its exposure? Your answer will be skin, which is wrong. The biggest organ is the lining of our intestines. This lining is exposed to the outer atmosphere and protects us in many ways. Whatsoever we eat or drink, it contains a smaller or larger amount of microorganisms. We may not have taken them intentionally. Unintentionally they enter inside our body and start secreting toxins inside our body. This GUT lining converts these toxins into fighto nutrients, which don’t allow the toxins to enter our blood. Most of us have neither understood it nor taken care of our GUT. We purchase a car, a house, or a bike.

We Never Spent Money On The Maintainance Of GUT

The fact remains that we spent a lot of money on the maintenance of our car but we never think about the maintenance of our GUT. This layer is very thin in size. Its thickness is about 0.0000000002m but plays a vital role in rectifying our blood. Whenever we take food that is not good for our health such as burgers, pizza, or any dairy products. Even if we eat in huge quantities, it starts damaging our GUT system and forming holes in our GUT, which is known as leaky GUT. It means that the place from which nutrients were absorbed, is damaged now, which means that the entire or no energy is now absorbed by our intestines.

Where Do These Leaking Nutrients Go

The leaking nutrients are converted into poison which damages our organs. As a result, the toxins enter our blood and start causing different diseases. In such a situation, stones start forming either in our gall bladder or kidneys. Clotting of blood starts in our arteries and the level of cholesterol increases in the blood which may cause many heart diseases or even heart attacks. Our blood becomes thick because of the addition of toxins in it. White blood cells start reacting to this situation. They had two options either to react or to surrender.


If they start reacting, we may suffer from skin infection and if they surrender, we start suffering from many autoimmune diseases and other ones also. Moreover, some autoimmune diseases may be thyroid, Blood pressure, or high uric acid in our blood and if any of you have symptoms of IBS, acidity, constipation, etc., start thinking about your GUT health at the very moment. Try to heal your GUT at the very moment.

The Soldiers

Moreover, the good news is that there are some soldiers already inside our bodies to cure them or make them healthy and these soldiers are inside our intestines themselves which is why they are called INTRA EPITHELIAL LYMPHOCYTES. Since they perform two functions for us so if by chance our intestinal lining gets damaged for any reason they immediately reach the spot and start repairing it. Secondly, they don’t allow toxic materials to enter our blood.

Friendly Environment

Since the reality is that these soldiers are protected by an environment called AH RECEPTOR and we can empower our IELs and AH RECEPTORS by eating what is required by them. Moreover, their real diet is broccoli and raw onions and studies have proved that these two eatables can make our IEL and AH RECEPTORS healthy, in turn out GUT remains healthy. Using plenty of salad before eating food also works as good nutrition for our healthy GUT. So start thinking about it. By taking these small precautions you can remain away from 95% of diseases.

Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you all.

Ashok Raina: Ashok Raina is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, motivation and relationships, travel, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.