Home Health 12- Amazing Benefits of Almonds

12- Amazing Benefits of Almonds

by Ashok Raina
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 Almonds are known to be one of the most nutritious and fat-filled nuts. These grow on trees and are one of the most loved nuts. They have a high quantity of antioxidants including Vitamins and Minerals. They are very good for our health: If we thoroughly think about it, how can such a small thing be so much beneficial to us? Most of us know that almonds are very nutritious but we exactly don’t know about their health benefits. I am now going to explain them one by one.

Health Benefits Of Almonds

Reduce Cholesterol

Blood sample for test.

According to a study, people who use Almonds on regular basis have a higher level of Vitamin E in their red blood cells, which thereby reduces the risk of high cholesterol in the blood. By boosting the level of Vitamin E  in our bloodstream, antioxidants are formed which prevent our blood from clogging and developing high cholesterol. Therefore it becomes very much important for each of us to consume a handful of almonds daily.

Maintains  Blood Pressure

When almonds are taken with other nuts, it’s said that it is good for our heart. Researchers found that the people who consume almonds daily have more quantity of antioxidants in their blood and this helps in reducing blood pressure and improving the flow of blood to all the parts of our body.

Regulate Blood Sugar Level

 Because of the presence of Magnesium in them, they help control blood sugar levels. For people suffering from type 2 diabetes, almonds play an integral role in stabilizing it. helps in generating insulin resistance which is great for people suffering from diabetes and this is only because of the content of Magnesium in it.  


Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

As discussed above almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E, which prevents our cells from getting toxic. Because of the high quantity of Vitamin E in the blood, prevent develop  Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and heart disease.

Help In Reducing Weight

Almonds have a high content of protein, fiber, and lower levels of carbohydrates that curb our appetite and do not keep our carving for long. This also helps in reducing the number of calories daily. When almonds tend to curb your appetite, this means that you can control what you intake and this helps in regulating your weight.

Rich In Nutrients

You must be astonished to know the fact that every 28 grams of almonds contain

a. 6 grams of protein.

b. 3.5 grams of fiber.

c. 14 grams of fats.

d. 37% of vitamin E.

e. 32% of manganese.

f. 20% of magnesium

Good For Our Eyes

Carrots and green chilly are considered to be good for our eyes. The presence of a high quantity of vitamin E prevents abnormal changes in our lens. Thus, consuming almonds will protect our eyes. 

Nourishes Our Skin And Prevents From Cancer

Being a rich source of antioxidants that can protect us against stress. Stress leads to molecule damage and thereby results in inflammation, cancer, and aging. Almonds contain a flavonoid that is also found in green tea and broccoli. This component nourishes our skin and keeps it glowing. Almonds help in detoxifying our body and help in reducing the chances of colon cancer. It also helps females from breast cancer.

Improves Our Brain Power And Cures Anemia

Almonds contain riboflavin and L- Carnitine which helps in the growth of brain cells. One major chemical which is very important for brain health is Phenylalanine and almonds do have this chemical in them. Having four to five pieces of almonds every morning can improve our brainpower. Almonds also contain copper, iron, and vitamins that help in curing anemia thereby producing more hemoglobin.

Good For Our Nerves, Treats Acne, Stretch Marks, And Grey Hair

As almonds are a good source of magnesium, which helps the nervous system to become strong. This also helps in developing a healthy metabolic rate. Fatty acids present in almonds control the oil that gets clogged in skin pores and thus when almond oil is applied to our skin, it helps in reducing acne, stretch marks, and grey hair. It also helps in controlling hair fall and its growth.

Almonds Are Natural Anesthetic

Almond oil has a toxic compound called glycoside amygdalin that makes our nerves insensitive and we may feel numb once it is applied. When comes to any stitching of our skin, or plucking of the tooth, almond oil can play a vital role.

Prevent Birth Defects And Increase Mental Alertness

When almonds are mixed with milk they become rich in potassium. This increases the no. of electrolytes in our body which in turn produces more energy and mental alertness. Almonds contain folic acid in them which protects the mother from any type of birth defect.

So, it is suggested to pregnant women consume almonds every day.

It is suggested to every user not to take almonds in excess as they may cause many side effects. Only three to four pieces are prescribed every day. Dip three to four pieces of almonds in water for the whole night and then consume them the next day to get maximum benefits out of it.

Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you all.

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