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Art of Communication, An Asset And Work Wonders

by Ashok Raina
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People Talking to Each Other

Every art in this world has its place and importance. One of those arts is the art of communication. Moreover, if you have got good communication skills, you easily impress anybody and that’s why most of us want to learn this art. They don’t know how to learn this art. Most of us think that if we can communicate in English, means we have got good communication skills, also we have been fed right from our childhood a half-truth that if we want to have good communication skills, we have to learn English. That’s wrong.

English Is A Language Whereas Communication Is An Art

A lady communicating in an impressive way.

English is a language whereas communication skill is an art. Both of them are different. Moreover, if any of you want to learn this art, the best way is to learn it in your mother tongue. You can learn English also but it’s not necessary to develop communication skills. Communication skills can be developed in any language. You must learn this skill in what so ever language you are comfortable with. Some of us use dictionaries, search for complex words and even use them while communicating with others and try to prove themselves to be superior to others ones. We want to pretend before others that we are knowledgeable. That’s not true, you are at fault.

Communication Can’t Be Learnt By Learning Some Words

A girl learning some words.

The art of communication can’t be developed by learning new words only. It has other factors also like body language, voice tonality, eye contact, and being proactive. Moreover, by the combination of all these qualities, good communicating skills can be developed, and you can also become a good speaker even by using your mother tongue. If you can start learning and using the English language simultaneously, there is no harm in doing that. Moreover, remember the thing that the words you use should be simple ones, which can be understood by every person. Don’t try to use complex words which are not understood easily.

Pen Down The Way Successful People Communicate

Habit of writing down the important things.

Make a diary of yours. Note down the way and words used by successful communicators. By doing so, you can learn a lot. Train yourself in such a way that you can develop yourself in all the aspects of being a good communicator. As stated earlier, communication is an art. As you develop your muscles by doing a lot of exercises, in the same way, the art of communication needs a lot of practice and patience. Moreover, You have to learn every day, every moment, whatsoever new comes your way and are supposed to implement it in your personal life too. A famous English quote says,” If you work on your communication skill, it will work for you.” If you start practicing, a seasonal change can be noticed in your skill.


Nothing In This World Is Free

Nothing is free in this world.

Life has a rule, if you want anything, you have to pay for it. Nothing is free. If you want to purchase a higher quality product, you have to pay a higher rate to own that particular thing. As for as improvement in your life skills is concerned, they can’t be purchased from anywhere. Moreover, some people think that they can purchase anything by spending money but it’s not going to happen. Moreover, if you want to have a healthy body, you have to work hard for it and can’t expect anyone to do exercise for you to make you fit and healthy. You have to control your diet and work hard in achieving your goal.

Try To Choose Role Models

Role models play an important part.

Another point is, to try to choose role models in your life such as newspaper reporters, and T.V generalists, who are considered to be good speakers. Try to listen to them with a cautious approach. Try how can you follow them to become impressive communicators. Those reporters have the capability of impressing others with their words. You can follow the footprints to impress thousands of people. Just think, about how you can reach up to that level. It is said that words are only 7% of what we speak.

Positive Body Language Is Must

Photos of positive body language.

As stated earlier, you must have positive body language, eye contact is also a must and your tonality also plays an important role in your good communication skills. Try to have command of all the above-said assets. Surely these assets are going to help you a lot. If you have strong willpower, the ability to grasp things around you, interest in learning, only then you can become a good communicator.


I would like to explain it with the help of an example. Suppose you have nearly 50 ideas for a project. If you are not able to present those ideas properly before others. There is no fun with those ideas if you don’t have good communication or convincing skills. If someone other than you presents it properly. The said person will not only be listened to properly but his ideas will be accepted and implemented too. This means that there is a need for improvement in your ability. You can do that. Nobody on the earth is born with abilities. A child learns the mother tongue in what so ever surroundings he/she is born in. Some people aren’t able to speak fluently in front of others. Such people should try to search for occasions, where they can speak.

Exposure Plays Its Part

A working man.

The more exposure they will get, the more skilled they will be. Such people are afraid of rejection. They want to live their life in their comfort zone. If you will remain in the same zone you will not be able to learn anything. You are definite to remain at the same place where you used to be. So if you want something different, you have to come out of that comfort zone. Try to put yourself in situations that are out of your comfort zone. It’s well said, GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES. Try the things you have never done. It’s crystal clear that if you want something, you have to pay for it. So start paying in the form of your hard work.

Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you all.

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