Home Health 8- Skin Care Tips For Winters With Do’s And Don’ts

8- Skin Care Tips For Winters With Do’s And Don’ts

by Ashok Raina
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Black woman preparing for bath in Luke warm water.

Winter season is on and the first change you start noticing is in your skin. Winter season means dry, rough, and itchy skin. The reason behind this behavior of skin during the winter season is the dry atmosphere. The skin keeps itself hydrated by attracting moisture from the environment. During the winter season, the humidity levels decrease and the skin becomes deficient in hydration and it starts feeling dry. Today, I am going to explain, the skin care tips during the winter season. What should we do and what shouldn’t be done? Reading this article will help you a lot in taking care of your skin during the winter season.

Tips For Winter Skin Care (Dos)

1. Eat healthy food.

2. Use a humidifier.

3. Scrub your skin.


4. Wear loose clothes.

5. Use a mild cleanser.

6. Use heavy moisturizer.

7. Drink plenty of water.

8. Consume dark chocolates.

1. Eat Healthy Food

Consumption of healthy food is most important for keeping our skin healthy. Try to eat food items that are rich in vitamins A, E, and C. These Vitamins will help you in making your skin healthy. Along with these Vitamins, food items containing high water content in them, help in maintaining the hydration level of your skin. Consumption of such fruits and vegetables boosts Sebum production. In addition to these Vitamins eat fruits which are a rich source of Antioxidants.

Some Useful Fruits/Vegetables For Skin Care

1. Banana.

2. Pineapple.

3. Gooseberry.

4. Avocado

5. Papaya.

6. Radish.

7. Carrot.

8. Spinach etc.

2. Use A Humidifier

A humidifier is a device used to generate humidity. It can be used during the winter season to generate humidity as the humidity is very low during this season, which makes our skin dry. During the winter season, we generally keep our doors and windows closed thereby stopping the flow of fresh air. The air outside is also dry. So, in such conditions, a humidifier can prove to be very useful. You can use it in a closed room which will help you keep your skin moist naturally.

3. Scrub Your Skin

Scrubbing your skin gently in a circular direction using moisturizing cream on the tips of your fingers can help your skin glow. Scrubbing increases the flow of blood and makes it look tighter and younger. It is suggested to scrub gently otherwise your skin’s protective barrier can be broken and your skin may get damaged. Scrubbing needs to be done at most twice a week as an excess of everything is bad.

4. Wear Loose Clothes

Wear loose clothes which will help your skin breathe easier. You will feel comfortable in loose clothes. Tight clothes make you irritated if you have dry skin.

5. Use Mild Cleanser

If your cleanser is making your skin dry and itchy, it indicates that you have to switch to a mild cleanser. A mild cleanser will reduce the feeling of dryness in your skin. A good cleanser can balance the pH levels of your skin. Cleansers producing more foam are generally having high pH levels. You can test the pH value of your cleanser using a pH strip and can use a cleanser that suits the type of your skin.

6. Use Heavy Moisturizer

Using heavy moisturizer will keep your skin hydrated. The moisturizers used by you during the summer season will not work during the winter season. Shift to cream-based heavy moisturizers. They will not let your skin feel dry and itchy. You are suggested to change your moisturizer only if your skin is not feeling comfortable with it. If the cream you are using during the summer season is good enough to keep your skin greasy in the winter season also, then there is no need of changing it.

7. Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking plenty of water during the winter season helps in hydrating your skin. It will help in renewing your skin and maintaining optimum skin moisture. If you are drinking enough water means that the essential nutrients are getting circulated to the skin cells. Hydrated skin is less prone to dryness.

8. Consume Dark Chocolates

Dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants called Flavonols that protect the skin from ULTRA VIOLET radiation and help in keeping our skin soft and supple. In addition to that Flavonols also increase the flow of blood, as a result, essential nutrients reach our skin cells and keep them healthy.

The Don’ts Of Winter Skin Care

1. Washing your face again and again.

2. Don’t use very hot water.

3. Allergens aren’t recommended.

1. Washing Your Face Again And Again

Frequent washing of your face is not advisable during the winter season. Washing it, again and again, further dehydrates it. It is suggested not to cleanse your face more than twice a day.

2. Don’t Use Very Hot Water

While dealing with your skin, don’t use very hot water that too for a long period. Luke warm water should be used. Luke warm water helps in keeping the skin hydrated. Bathing with hot water for a longer duration of time can remove essential oils from your skin and can make it dry.

3. Allergens Aren’t Recommended

Products containing sulfates and parabens aren’t recommended for use during the winter season. They tend to flare up the skin.

Noticeable Issues During Winter Season.

1. Rashes.

2. Dermatitis.

3. Psoriasis.

Which Moisturizer Should Be Used During The Winter Season?

A heavy cream-based moisturizer is recommended if your skin is dry. Heavy moisturizing cream helps in making the skin greasy as a result you will start feeling comfortable.

What Is The Role Of SPFs During The Winter Season?

During the winter season, the body urges for heat. There is a desire of sitting under the warmth of the glowing sun. If it’s sunny you sit under it to warm yourself. You may not feel but the sun’s rays can cause damage to your skin. So, it is advised to use a moisturizer with SPF before sitting under the rays of the sun.

Why Consume Antioxidants In Winters?

Antioxidants nourish the skin, help it shine, and prevent early skin aging.

Why Use Ceramides During Winters?

Ceramides help in forming a protective layer on the surface of your skin and prevent it from any damage because of dry winds. They also don’t allow your skin to lose moisture and help in moisturizing it.

Which Is The Best Vitamin For Winters?

Vitamin A, E, and C.

Why White Patches Are Formed On Our Skin During Winters?

These white patches are formed because of the extreme dryness of the skin. Start using a heavy cream-based moisturizer to get rid of it.

Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Stay connected to read my next articles. Till then Bye! God bless you.

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